Arts & Seizures

Episode 90: Ted Heller & West of Babylon



“Acclaimed author” Ted Heller is reluctantly promoting his new book, West of Babylon, on this week’s episode of The Mike & Judy Show. Mike Edison and Judy McGuire invited Ted into the studio to talk about publishing in 21st Century, and why it’s so difficult for writers to promote themselves. Find out why Ted decided to publish his book himself. Hear the cast talk about their gripes with NPR, and why authors should prepare themselves for rejection. Tune into this episode to hear about Ted’s nomination for his book, Pocket Kings! Thanks to our sponsor, Roberta’s. “Anybody nowadays can get published. You could have something mentally wrong with you, and write gibberish for 800 pages, and you can still be the next John Grisham.” [9:40] — Ted Heller on The Mike & Judy Show