Arts & Seizures

Episode 105: The Greatest Three



Mike Edison and Judy McGuire celebrate the best in food service stories on this week’s edition of Arts & Seizures! Mike and Judy are joined by Tobias Carroll of Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Dana Rossi of The Soundtrack Series, and writer Sean H. Doyle! Hear about the upcoming reading at Housing Works Bookstore entitled “The Greatest Three-Minute Food Service Stories”, and the folks that will be contributing to the event. Learn about some of Sean and Dana’s biggest food blunders. Tune in to hear more about server revenge, Navy pranks, and angeldust! This program has been sponsored by Roberta’s. “Restaurants should take up the tattoo shop model. When you enter the front door, there’s a sign that says ‘Tipping is not a city in China.'” [24:35] — Sean H. Doyle on Arts & Seizures