Arts & Seizures

Episode 112: Inside the Dream Palace



This week on Arts & Seziures, Mike Edison and Judy McGuire are joined in the studio by Sherill Tippins, author of Inside the Dream Palace. Sherill recounts some of the classic mythology and stories of the Chelsea, and how its architect, Philip Hubert, designed the space with socializing and cooperation in mind. How have the various owners of the building altered its original vision? Later, Sherill, Mike, and Judy delve into the Nancy Spungen story; did Sid Vicious really murder Nancy at the hotel? Hear what stories Sherill was forced to cut from the book, and why she’s a believer in the supernatural. Thanks to our sponsor, Roberta’s. “The Chelsea gives people privacy- the walls are three feet thick- but when you were done with your work, there was always space for people to meet up and bounce ideas off of one another.” [9:00] — Sherill Tippins on Arts & Seizures