Beyond Good Intentions With Kristen Duke

Teen birthday & DRIVING!



Today is my daughter Cali's 15th birthday, and I share what we like to do for birthdays AND about getting her drivers permit with some stories of my experience with teaching my teens to drive.  Dropping 2 episodes today because the one I shared this morning was supposed to be shared yesterday (I recorded it then) and I want to share 7 episodes in 7 days on this kickoff week.  THEN when I announce that I've pulled out the podcast again, I'll have 7 quick episodes to listen to. I love the number 7, my birthday is 7/7, so it's just a THING with me. If you're not feeling super connected with your teen, I'd love to invite you to join Team Trusted to become more TRUSTED by your teenager, that SAFE place they can come talk to you.