

Series: The Gospel of GodScripture: Romans 9:14-29 “It is at first unsettling to be confronted with God’s absolute sovereignty in our salvation. But ultimately this is our true security, for if there was nothing in us, but only God’s good pleasure, that brought us into grace, then there is nothing in us that can take us out of grace.” Robert Yarbrough “The moment of surrender is the moment you choose to lose control of your life, the split second of powerlessness where you trust that some kind of ‘higher power’ better be in charge, because you certainly aren’t.” Bono “Behind the history you witness is a History-Maker who can be trusted; beneath the values you violate is the mercy to forgive you; beyond the death you must die is the life he has pioneered: resurrection.” Glen ScrivenerThe post Have Mercy first appeared on Hope Church PCA.