Christ Church Bartlett

UntitledSession 4 — The Church at Ephesus



Session 4 — The Church at Ephesus [Revelation 2:1-7] February 7, 2021 I. The church at Ephesus was intentional about defending sound doctrine, contending for the faith, and exposing false apostles. II. Unlike the Nicolaitans, Jesus is the ultimate servant leader, setting the example for all who follow after Him. III.The church at Ephesus had replaced devotion with doctrine and were too busy doing the work of Jesus that they quickly forgot about the worth of Jesus . IV.God’s love is the most powerful force in the universe and remains our deepest need to see us through times of great difficulty ahead. V. Jesus was nailed to a tree at Calvary to restore us to God and give us access to the tree of life forever. [see Galatians 3:13-14] Personal Application ➡ Return to Jesus – your first love, supreme love – the One who loves you perfectly. ➡ Show your love for Jesus by serving Him and others with the right motives and so prove you are His disciples. [John 13:34-35]