Spacetime With Stuart Gary

S27E40: Magnetic Mysteries: Sagittarius A*'s Invisible Force Field Exposed



The Space, Astronomy & Science Podcast.SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 40*Magnetic Mysteries at the Milky Way's HeartThe Event Horizon Telescope has revealed organized magnetic fields swirling at the periphery of Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the Milky Way's core. In a groundbreaking observation, astronomers have captured these fields in polarized light, finding remarkable similarities to the black hole in galaxy M87. This discovery suggests that strong magnetic fields could be a universal trait among black holes, influencing how they interact with their surrounding matter. The study's implications stretch far beyond the iconic Sagittarius A*, offering a glimpse into the enigmatic behavior of black holes and their powerful ejections into space.*The Birth of Blue Supergiants Through Stellar MergersBlue supergiants, some of the universe's most luminous and massive stars, have long puzzled astronomers due to their abundance and solitary nature. A new study posits that these cosmic behemoths, oft