Love And Courage

Ann Marie Flanagan - Disability Rights Champion



Ann Marie Flanagan is a disabled human rights activist from County Clare in the west of Ireland. Growing up in a tight-knit, supportive community, she says attitudes towards her physical impairment were generally inclusive. However, that changed when Ann Marie hit the age of 12 and entered secondary school. She says the environment was hostile and exclusionary. Despite the challenges, she went on to flourish, completing an IT degree and getting involved in student activism. She has also completed a Master's in partnership studies and public administration and an advanced diploma in human services management. She has trained as a family systems and person-centred therapist and is completing a Master's in international and comparative disability law and policy at Galway University. Ann Marie is known for her work in co-founding Disabled People of Clare. Her activism and interests have taken her all over the world, including spending time in Ethiopia at the Centre for Independent Living. She is very mu