Elixir Mix

EMx 011: Process and OTP pitfalls with Claudio Ortolina



Panel: Charles Max WoodEric BerryJosh AdamsMark Erikson Special Guests: Claudio Ortolina In this episode of Elixir Mix, the panel talks to Claudio Ortolina about Process and OTP pitfalls. Claudio works for Erlang Solutions where he is a developer consultant, working with customers on long projects, and he has been working full-time with Elixir for the past 3 years. They talk about OTP, the importance of reading the sources when working with Elixir, and if beginners should dive right away into OTP. They also touch on Process, how Elixir allows your code to be more available, and more! In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Claudio introWorks at Erlang SolutionsRuby Rogues Episode 208Is there one thing that stands out to you as the easiest thing to fix?People pick up this language quicklyRepetitionExcited about OTPPattern matchingPeople come from Ruby background to ElixirHow do you address people who won’t put the effort in to learn OTPRare to find greenfield projects nowBuilding blocksReading the sources