Elixir Mix

EMx 025: Rethinking App Env and more with Saša Jurić



Panel: - Mark Ericksen- Josh Adams- Charles Max Wood Special Guest: Sasa Juric In this episode of Elixir Mix, the panel talks with Sasa Juric who is the author of Elixir in Action (2nd edition) and uses Elixir, Erlang, and OTP. He is from Zagreb, Croatia and you can check out his blog https://www.theerlangelist.com! The panel talks about his https://www.manning.com/books/elixir-in-action-second-edition past and current projects, in addition to configurations, and Elixir. Show Topics: 0:00 – https://devchat.tv/get-a-coder-job/ 0:50 – Chuck: Panel. Our guest is Sasa Juric. Introduce yourself to us please. 1:12 – Guest: I am known for writing my book and my blogs. I am president to the Elixir forum and helping people out. I have been using Elixir for 5 years; in the past I have used C++ and others. 1:46 – Chuck: App env and configuration and sounds like we could talk about more. Let’s start there, though. 1:59 – Guest. 2:03 – Panel: A little background with configuration b/c it’s been a topic in the c