Elixir Mix

Building PWA's in Elixir and Phoenix ft. Tej Pochiraju - EMx 142



Tej Pochiraju joins the mix to discuss Progressive Web Apps and how you can support them using Elixir and Phoenix. Tej is also an IoT developer, so he discusses how you can tie this all to IoT as well. Panel Allen WymaSascha Wolf Guest Tej Pochiraju Sponsors Dev Influencers AcceleratorLevel Up | Devchat.tv Links Progressive Web Apps & Elixir PhoenixGitHub: Tej Pochiraju ( tejpochiraju ) Twitter: Tej Pochiraju ( @tejpochiraju ) Picks Allen- MJMLAllen- FoundationSascha- You Got This Tej- DatasetteTej- Braid: Synchronization for HTTP Contact Allen: Plangora  Plangora LimitedPlangora – YouTubePlangora | FacebookTech_Plangora Limited_Elixir | InstagramTwitter: Plangora ( @Plangora )LinkedIn: Plangora – Web and Mobile DevelopmentPlangora – Reddit Flying High With Flutter Flying High With FlutterFlying High with Flutter – YouTubeFlying High with Flutter | FacebookFlying High With Flutter | InstagramTwitter: Flying High with Flutter (