Elixir Mix

Learning Erlang with Adolfo Neto - EMx 165



In this episode the panel talks with Adolfo Neto who went out to learn Erlang during last year’s “Advent of Code”. He talks about his experience with the format, compares it against using a platform such as exercism.org - where mentors can give feedback - and how this shaped his perception of the onboarding experience of Erlang. The panel also discusses Adolfo’s involvement in the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation’s education working group and what they think Erlang - and Elixir - could do better to attract newcomers and make onboarding easier. Sponsors Top End DevsCoaching | Top End Devs Links Advent of CodeErlang Ecosystem FoundationJosé Valim on Twitch (Advent of Code Streams)ExercismGitHub - livebook-dev/livebook: Interactive and collaborative code notebooks for Elixir - made with Phoenix LiveViewProgramming Erlang (Book)Learn You Some Erlang (Book)GitHub - gfngfn/Sesterl: An ML-like statically-typed ErlangNova Framework (Erlang)Zotonic Framework (Erlang)Telegram: Elixir World (Group)Slack: Erlang Ecosyste