Christ Church Bartlett

Vision of Jesus



Session 2 Vision of Jesus — January 17, 2021 I. God’s people must enter the kingdom of God through many tribulations with patient endurance to the end. [Revelation 1:9] II. Revelation was written for those who will endure tribulation in general, and specifically for those who must endure the great tribulation. [Revelation 1:9] III.John’s vision reveals Jesus in all His power and great glory, as the Son of Man who is coming on the clouds. [Revelation 1:12-16] IV.Only Jesus Christ holds the keys to death and life! [Revelation 1:17-18] V. The seven stars are the seven angels and the seven lampstands represent the seven churches. [Revelation 1:20] Personal Application ➡ Prepare for coming tribulation by fixing your eyes and setting your hearts upon the coming Son of Man – the risen Lord Jesus Christ – who has been given all authority in heaven and earth and who holds the keys to death and life. ➡ Continue to go in His authority as His witnesses to the end of the age!