Christ Church Bartlett

Seven Letters to Seven Churches



Session 3 — 7 Letters to the 7 Churches January 24, 2021 I. The church exists to be light in a dark world. [Matthew 5:14-16] II. The church consists of all people who have been redeemed by God and adopted into His eternal family by faith in Messiah. III.The church is expressed both locally and universally – with Jesus being the Head of the body and the Chief Shepard. IV.Jesus has total authority and is holding everything in His mighty hand. V. The letters Jesus wrote to the seven churches have never been more relevant than they are today. VI.God’s promises are only for the overcomer in Christ. [1 John 5:4-5] VII.Each of us must ask God to give us ears to hear, but then we must do what He says. [James 1:22-25] Personal Application ➡ Pray for ears to hear and understand what the Spirit is saying ➡ Obey God’s commandments and do what He says! ➡ Read the letter to the church at Ephesus [2:1-7] out loud and make personal notes.