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Entre Cómics 292



- Event Leviathan #6 (de 6). Brian Michael Bendis (W), Alex Maleev (A/C). (DC). - Fallen Angels #1. Brian Hill (W), Szymon Kudranski (A), Frank D'Armata (C). (Marvel). - Family Tree #1. Jeff Lemire (W), Phil Hester (A), Eric Gapstur (I), Ryan Cody (C). (Image). - Far Sector #1 (de 12). Nora K. Jemisin (W), Jamal Campbell (A/C). (DC). - Folklords #1. Matt Kindt (W), Matt Smith (A), Chris O'Halloran (C). (Boom!). - Punisher Soviet #1. Garth Ennis (W), Jacen Burrows (A), Guillermo Ortego (I), Nolan Woodard (C). (Marvel). - The Dollhouse Family #1. M.R. Carey (W), Peter Gross (Layouts), Vince Locke (Finishes), Cris Peter (C). (DC). Los Irresistibles [01:05:15]: Batman's Grave #2 (de 12), Gideon Falls #18, Guardians of the Galaxy #11 (de 12), History of the Marvel Universe #5 (de 6), Invaders #11 (de 12), Runaways #27, Savage Sword of Conan #11, X-Men #2.