Straight Talk With Sandra Reich

It's Your Choice: Cling to Your Anxiety, or Have an Orgasmic Birth?



In the past two decades, cesarean rates have climbed dramatically in north America. In the US, the c-s rate is about 32 percent and in Canada, 27 percent. Astonishingly, many of these surgeries are done for low-risk pregnancies. That means it’s time to stop blaming the system and start looking at how women themselves can change this. Studies have shown how anxiety can affect length of labor, mode of delivery, and even the postpartum experience. Join Sandra and her guest, experienced nurse Marie Biancuzzo -also host of Born to Be Breastfed- talk about six reasons why laboring women have anxiety, and how to overcome it. Learn to ask the right questions, and explore some highly effective ways to manage your labor pain without using medications. Discover why writing your ideal birth plan isn’t enough —and how to transform your plan into a reality. Get key tips for changing the story in your head, getting the support you deserve, and having an orgasmic—yes, orgasmic—birthing experience.