January Jones Sharing Success Stories

January Jones sharing LinkedIn Leads- L. Renee Chubb



Today's show is all about leveraging LinkedIn and How to get Predictable Leads, Clients and Revenue through an amazing software and company!  L. Renee Chubbs is the founder of J.R.C. Staffing Firm and Side Hustle Empire ™. Her goal is to create an Empire of successful entrepreneurs who are a resource and source of inspiration for each other. Having been laid off from her last job in 2007, L. Renee' knows the struggles of having one source of income disappear with no plan B. Having tried numerous MLM programs, Freelance writing and even gigs on Fiverr, she wanted to do something to give back and show people that it is necessary to have a Side Hustle in today's economy and how to turn that Side Hustle into a lucrative business.  Having a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) is a means to and end and if she can start a revolution of Entrepreneurs, then her work here on Earth is done!  MUST READ; FEARLESS YOU - L. RENEE CHUBB