
OpenAI fires back at Musk, and Monzo raises a megaround



This is our Wednesday show, focused on startup and venture capital news that matters. If you are a founder or an investor, this one is for you!Here’s the day’s rundown:OpenAI fires back at Musk: In the wake of a lawsuit from former backer Elon Musk, OpenAI is bringing receipts and an argument that Musk wanted to run the company’s for-profit arm. Hard to argue against something that you wanted to run, yeah?Monzo raises megaround: Monzo’s latest round is proof that the worst of the fintech slump is behind us.All eyes on Ema: With $25 million and a launch from stealth, Ema’s work to bring AI to the enterprise is notable. But in such a crowded market, are many startups aiming too high on the stack?Accenture buys Udacity: The former unicorn’s final resting place is not what it had dreamed of before, but this deal does bring welcome liquidity to at least one venture-backed startup.A climate boost? An upcoming regulatory choice could unlock a massive wave of demand for carbon-tracking startups.And the latest from Op