Selfwork With Dr. Margaret Rutherford | Self-help | Mental Health | Depression | Anxiety | Relationship Problems| Therapy

367 SelfWork: Putting Self-Reflection Into Action: Five Questions to Answer



Out of curiosity,  l listened to an older voicemail this week. It was from "this time last year." How many times have you said that to yourself, "This time last year I... " Maybe the end of that sentence is joyful. Maybe it's sad. But it's an exercise in self-reflection - which is the topic for today's SelfWork.  This particular question is a  sort of time travel in your own head and heart. Self-reflection isn't about over self-involvement: it’s what we humans can do to get perspective and learn ways you might be getting in your own way of creating the life you want. Show you how to move out of depression or anxiety. And when you pair self-reflection with action - it can lead to healing change.  So here are the self-reflective questions that lead to action that we’re looking at today. What am I needing to still learn? What have I learned? When do I recognize that I need to put something new in place? Where was I last year at this time? What did I learn? What did I find out abo