Sheila Zilinsky

Dr. Jonathan Hansen- The Most Dangerous Religion on the Face of the Earth



Dr. Jonathan Hansen is the founder and President of World Ministries International a non-denominational organization. Dr. Hansen is a fourth generation Christian, a fourth generation ordained minister, and a third generation missionary. He currently holds a Doctorate of Theology (D.Th.) and Honorary Doctorate of Divinity (D.Div.). He is currently ordained with the Independent Assemblies. Dr. Hansen has studied and worked in the military and Law Enforcement and is a Specialist in Air Force Ground Defense, Sniper Training, Special Weapons and Tactics as well as Advanced Special Weapons and Tactics from The Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission. He joins Sheila to discuss the rumblings in the middle east, the most dangerous religion in the world and the battle lines that have been drawn and what Christians can do in this fight.