Flix And A Six

Episode 217: We get on the same Wavelength as our Clerks



First time out on his own as a featured solo guest: it's Mike, our number one fan! We have news on the WGA strike formally, officially ending, Seinfeld rumors, the shockingly undercovered break in the Tupac case, and more! I trust the podcasters.The BasicsFlick — Clerks IIISix — Equilibrium WavelengthHosts — Anthony Costanzo & Alessandro BiolsiPanel — Mike StrnatkoToot-length ReviewsA love letter to family, friends, and self, Clerks III is a wonderfully comedic and nostalgic romp to a bitter sweet finale. 8/10 — Anthony‌Nostalgia- Noun- a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition. This movie is the purest distillation of that word, for better and worse. 6/10 — Al‌Kevin Smith, inspired by real-life events, calls back over and over to the previous superior entries in the trilogy...with less than stellar results. 5.5/10 — Mike