

Series: Good News From MarkScripture: Mark 11:1-19 Until the unlimited, Unbridled and unrelenting Love of God Takes root in our life, Until God’s reckless Pursuit of us captures Our imagination, Until our head knowledge Of God settles Into our heart Through pure grace, Nothing really changes. —Fil Anderson What can we expect from God? What is He really like? What will He do with us once our denial and sin is disrupted and our hurt and fury drawn forth? It is in the dark struggles with God that we are surprised by His response to our anger and fear. What we receive from Him during difficult battle is not what we expect. We assume He wants order, conformity — obedient children. Instead, we find that He wants our passionate involvement and utter awe in the mystery of His glorious character…In the darkness of our emotional wrestling with God, we grow in our understanding of Him. When He does not respond to us as we expect, we learn about His surprising character. We attack Him with anger, but we do not receive Hi