Hope Presbyterian Church In Winston-salem Sermons

The Truth Will Set You Free



Series: Words of LifeScripture: Exodus 20:16, Colossians 3:1-17 “We embrace lies—reams of them—about our bodies, our money, our sexuality, our food, our vocations, and our relationships. The temptation to construe reality along the contours of our lies—to literally build a false creation—is everywhere, and never more so than now. In fact, one could argue that the chief destructive force of contemporary Western culture is the unparalleled power and fertility of its lies. We are locked away in a hall of mirrors. Redemption, however, is about learning to hate the lies, about learning to see again. And part of the calling of God’s people is to name the parody as it presents itself to us and make war upon it. We look for the particular lies that lead us (and our communities) into the poison fog of non-reality and then go after them (in word and deed) with a battle axe. We find the anti-Eden and burn it down. Hating is part of our task in the world.”—Greg Thompson “An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.” —Pro