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January Jones - JFK Expert -The Man From 2063 by Jack Duffy



Author of The Man From 2063, is an expert on the assassination of President Kennedy.  He became interested in the JFK assassination after seeing a bootleg copy of the famous Zapruder filmof President Kennedy's fatal motorcade in 1972. He has been researching the assassination ever since. Jack's entertaining book draws on his deep knowledge and personal research into the President's murderand is therefore based on actual events and people surrounding the assassination. Jack has interviewed many key eyewitnesses to the assassination of President John Kennedy, including Buell Frazier, Jean Hill, Mary Moorman, Beverly Oliver, and Bill Newman. He has also interviewed 2 surgeons who treated JFK at Parkland hospital - Dr. Robert McClelland and Dr. Charles Crenshaw. He has interviewed Marina Oswald. Jack has also met many researchers who have written books on the assassination including Vincent Bugliosi, Mark Lane, Josiah Thompson, Robert Groden, Jim Marrs and Gaeton Fonzi.   MUST READ    THE MAN FROM  2063 JACK