

Tracy has been qualified as a therapist since 2005, and practicing continuously in the NHS ever since. After 12 years in community treatment of early psychosis, she is now a clinical lead mental health liaison practitioner working out of acute hospital ER departments.Tracy is a trauma coach and solution-focused hypnotherapist, and committed to the foundations of Milton Erickson in that therapy is about the relationship, not necessarily the dogma of any specific modality."I continue to work in the NHS but also have a thriving private practice where I support people to literally use their own inner resources to heal with a combo of neurology, solution focused therapy and occupational therapy."In This EpisodeTracy’s Facebook Group---What’s new with The Trauma Therapist Project!The Trauma 5: gold nuggets from my 700+ interviewsThe Trauma Therapist Newsletter: a monthly resource of information and inspiration dedicated to trauma therapists.