Parrish The Thought

Episode 160: Careshmeh French | My young husband died. Don't make me feel wrong for mourning his loss my way.



My guest today is Careshmeh French and a couple years ago, she lost her soul mate, best friend and husband. All who happened to have been the same amazing man.  This loss has left her broken beyond anything she has ever experienced before. The strange part about this is how those around her are uncomfortable with her grieving process and feel like she should have “moved on” by now.  She gives us all good counsel on what not to do or say in the wake of someone's tragedy. . . . #Lukemia #MournWithThoseThatMourn #JustSitWithMe #LDSHospital #JustLetMeGrieve #EternalFamilies #MormonTapDance #HesInABetterPlace #DumbThingsToSayAtFunerals #SoulMate #HeWasMyPerson #Signs #TheLightBetweenUs