Tucker's Dj Mixtape Podcast

no one ever really dies



I first read about the N.E.R.D. project in something like Maxim Magazine back in college around 2001. Very quickly, the UK version was on file-sharing sites (Napster, LimeWire, Kazaa), and I snapped it up. Ironically, there was no way to know the actual tracklisting, so I made a mix CD with the order that I liked. This was the OG beats version that was never released in America and remains my preferred version. In 2002, with what must be one of my first-ever purchases on Amazon, I actually managed to buy the OG UK version on CD so that I could have WAV files of this amazing debut album, though I quickly burned a CD with the order I was used to from my sketchy mp3’s. N.E.R.D.’s second album, Fly or Die, was actually really good, but at the time, I was sorta turned off by the band instrumentation on a N.E.R.D. album and didn’t keep up with them much after that. This needed to be sorted out, so I’ve gone through their discography for a mixtape. I’ve used some of my beats versions of In Search of... songs as wel