Abdiel Leroy Author And Poet

30 — Blessed if You Do; Blessed if You Don't !



THE GOURMET GOSPEL. God is steadfast to his plan for our lives and "shapes our ends,/ Rough-hew them how we will." He will never give up on us; our names are written in the Book of Life, inscribed on the walls of the City of God, even engraved on his hands! We have his permanent, indelible birthmark. For more, go to the releveant Book page at PoetProphet.com. Abdiel also shares the latest poem in his VERSES VERSUS EMPIRE series — Get it? It's a homonym! — which follows the UN report on biodiversity and ecosystems, juxtaposed with Mike Pompeo's jubilance over the disappearance of Arctic sea ice! Finally, Abdiel laments a lost love with the poem, "WeChatted".