Abdiel Leroy Author And Poet

34 — Eating Without Guilt, or "Merciful Munching"



THE GOURMET GOSPEL. To Hell with diets! That is the Bible's resounding message for us. Having laid out his own struggles with an eating disorder, Abdiel explains how a deeper understanding set him free and goes on to set YOU free! It starts with realizing that in your true nature, you are not an overeater nor an addict. That fictitious identity is dead, and you are now naturally aligned both with the will of God and with what is healthy. Furthermore, with the removal of Law, there is no boundary line available that you could cross into "overeating". In short, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU TO BE AN OVEREATER IN WHO YOU ARE, AND IT IS IMPOSSBLE FOR YOU TO OVEREAT IN WHAT YOU DO!!! Abdiel also overturns the fraudulent tables of both the dieting industry and low-fat food products, and explains why both are a complete con-trick! Finally, "as the last taste of sweets is sweetest last," Abdiel explains why eating sweets, puddings, desserts, and cakes, is the best means to weight loss! Don't believe that? Well, lis