You May Contribute A Verse

The Joys of Booking with Gennie Gorback and Audrey Perrott!



Our second-ever two-guest episode extravaganza happens now, featuring our buddies Gennie Gorback and Audrey Perrott! These two powerhouse pals have produced a perfect loaf of kidlit goodness for your eyes, ears, and taste buds. I wouldn't spoil the reveal except that I desperately want you to have the link handy so you can bookmark it. VerseShow is proud to reveal Audrey and Gennie's The Joys of Booking! Now go listen to them talk, laugh, cry, and feel joy all about it <3  ------- DON’T MISS AN EPISODE! Sign up for our newsletter here! This episode’s book reviews: THE BIG BED by Bunmi Laditan and Tom Knight HOW TO COUNT TO ONE by Caspar Salmon and Matt Hunt WORDS TO MAKE A FRIEND: A STORY IN JAPANESE AND ENGLISH by Donna Jo Napoli and Naoko Stoop The artwork for You May Contribute a Verse features our quokka mascot Versey, and was generously created for us by the great Maddie Frost! Find her on IG @hellomaddiefrost or on her website  Our theme music is So Happy by Scott Holmes you can find