

Andrew Daniel is an award-winning author, spiritual teacher, and director at the Center for Cinesomatic Development. He is the founder of Cinesomatics®—a feeling-based therapy utilizing video feedback and movement to assess and resolve stuck somatic, psychological, and emotional patterns. This work is held online and in-person internationally, from NY to London, Tuscany to Switzerland.His latest book, Awaken to Your True Self (MetaHeal), is a recipient of the 2022 gold Nautilus Book Awards. This definitive guide helps self-aware entrepreneurs, artists, professionals, and leaders break through stuck cycles and genuinely wake up.A spiritual advisor and healer to some of the world’s most successful, Andrew works with clients one-on-one and in intimate groups. His graduate-level programs of consciousness studies offer memberships to deep transformational classes that bridge the teachings of the ancient mysteries with modern psychology and technology.Andrew is also an active advisor to the official Alan Watts Orga