Spacetime With Stuart Gary

Martian lakes around far longer than thought - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 19 Episode 65 -



Stream episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) Hi everyone, Stuart with the Show Notes for Series 19 Episode 65: *Martian lakes around far longer than thought There’s new evidence from Mars that lakes and snowmelt-fed streams on the red planet surface may have formed as recently as 2 to 3 billion years ago -- much later than previously thought possible. The new findings show that recently discovered lakes and streams appeared on the red planet’s northern Arabia Terra region roughly a billion years after a well-documented, earlier era of wet conditions on ancient Mars. *Ceres pyramid mystery solved A mysterious pyramid structure discovered by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft on the surface of the asteroid Ceres is now believed to be a recently active cryovolcano. The findings indicate the volcano which has been named Ahuna Mons – has only a few impact craters on its flanks -- indicating it was formed fairly recently -- within the last couple of hundred million yea