Spacetime With Stuart Gary

Quantum entanglement and the speed of light - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 19 Episode 66



Stream episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly). Hi, Stuart here with the Show Notes for Series 19 Episode 65: *Quantum entanglement and the speed of light New research indicates that quantum entanglement -- the effect Albert Einstein referred to as spooky action at a distance -- isn’t just stranger than we imagine – it’s stranger than we can imagine. *A new way to determine the age of stars Scientists have developed a new way of understanding how stars like our Sun evolve. The new research is a first attempt to build a comprehensive model for the activity and evolution of these stars. *Discovery of an impossible cloud in the atmosphere of Titan Astronomers have detected a puzzling ice cloud that’s apparently formed out of thin air in the Saturnian moon Titan. The cloud -- detected in Titan's stratosphere -- is composed of a compound of carbon and nitrogen in the chemical cocktail that colours the giant moon's hazy, brownish-orange atmosphere. You can fi