Spacetime With Stuart Gary

69: The Incredible Shrinking Planet - Mercury



Stream episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly). *The incredible shrinking planet Mercury The planet Mercury is shrinking according to a new analysis of data gathered by a NASA spacecraft. The findings are based on a series of small previously undetected cliff-like tectonic structures on the planet’s surface known as thrust fault scarps. *Rosetta’s grand finale After a journey lasting over 12 and a half years Rosetta’s mission is finally over. Rosetta discovered over 60 molecules, 34 of which had never been found before on a comet. These include oxygen and the amino acid glycine, a basic building block of life. It also confirmed that Earth’s water probably didn’t come from comets – but rather asteroids. *Solar Minimum on its way Over the last few days AR2597 -- the last remaining sunspot group on the surface of our local star the Sun – disappeared. The blank solar face – the fourth this year -- is a sign that the Sun’s 11 year solar cycle is now heading