Spacetime With Stuart Gary

78: Proxima Centauri is more Sun like than previously thought



Stream episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) *Proxima Centauri is more Sun like than previously thought A new study claims Proxima Centauri is more Sun like than previously thought. The new findings indicate our nearest stellar neighbour other than the Sun undergoes similar magnetic cycles to the Sun which however are far more dramatic. *New Horizons completes its epic data transfer from last year’s close encounter with Pluto NASA’s New Horizons mission has reached a major milestone with the last bits of science data from the July 2015 Pluto flyby finally transmitted to Earth. The valuable information had been stored on the spacecraft’s digital recorders since last year’s historic close encounter – mission managers being forced to drip feed the data back to Earth because of the huge distances involved. *New Pluto revelations continue to surprize scientists Meanwhile, data from earlier New Horizons Pluto downloads are continuing to provide surprising d