Spacetime With Stuart Gary

84: Massive frozen water deposits found on Mars



Stream episodes on demand from and (both mobile friendly). *Massive frozen water deposits found on Mars Frozen beneath a region of cracked and pitted plains on Mars lies about as much water as what’s in Lake Superior, largest of North America’s Great Lakes. Scientists using NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter found the water ice deposit under the Utopia Planitia region of the red planet’s mid-northern latitudes. *EM Drive passes peer review Scientists at NASA’s Johnson Space Centre Eagleworks Laboratories in Houston Texas have developed a new reactionless spacecraft propulsion system -- which if it really works -- could take people to Mars in just 70 days rather than seven months. But there’s one really big problem it appears to violate one of the fundamental laws of physics. *New Expedition 50 crew arrives aboard the International Space Station Three new crew members have arrived at the International Space Station two days after blasting into orbit aboard their S