Spacetime With Stuart Gary

90: Mystery of the Sun's strange spin....solved!



Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) *Mystery of the Sun's strange spin Astronomers have finally solved a long-standing solar mystery – namely why the Sun’s outsides spin more slowly than its insides. They’ve found that the same solar radiation that heats the Earth is ‘braking’ the Sun causing it to gradually slow down, starting from its surface. *New clues about how Mars lost its water After investigating the upper atmosphere of the Red Planet for a full Martian year, NASA’s MAVEN mission has determined that the escaping water does not always go gently into space. The rate of loss varied dramatically overall, with 10 times more hydrogen escaping at perihelion. *Looking at the future of spaceflight Sydney has been selected to host the 43rd Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research in 2020. The conference comes at a time when there’s been a paradigm shift in space flight. *Virgin Galactic soars in the skies again Virgin Galactic ha