Spacetime With Stuart Gary

92: New antimatter breakthrough



Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) *New antimatter breakthrough helping to illuminate mysteries of the Big Bang Scientists are a step closer to understanding how the universe came into existence following the first ever optical spectrum measurements of an antimatter atom. The ground breaking research allowed physicists to compare normal hydrogen with its antimatter counterpart for the first time. *The famous red star Betelgeuse is spinning faster than it should The famous red star Betelgeuse is spinning faster than it should possibly because its eaten another star. The findings indicate that the red supergiant – which is due to explode as a supernova any day now – was probably in a binary stellar system with a companion star. *PAN-STARRS releases the largest digital sky survey ever undertaken The Pan-STARRS project -- the world’s largest digital sky survey has finally been released -- providing details of over three billion stars, galaxies a