Spacetime With Stuart Gary

02: Mysterious Fast Radio Bursts & The Dwarf Galaxy



Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) *Mysterious Fast Radio Bursts linked to a distant dwarf galaxy and maybe a Magnetar Astronomers are a step closer to finally determining what mysterious powerful energy blasts known as Fast Radio Bursts are. They’ve narrowed down a likely source to a distant ancient dwarf galaxy some three billion light-years away – and possibly to a highly magnetic type of neutron star known as a magnetar. *Two new missions to explore early solar system NASA has selected two missions designed to open new windows on one of the earliest eras in the history of our solar system -- a time less than 10 million years after the birth of the Sun. The missions, known as Lucy and Psyche will fly in 2021 and 2013 respectively. *Two more Near Earth objects discovered NASA's NEOWISE mission has discovered another two previously unknown Near Earth Objects or NEOs heading for our celestial neighbourhood, including one that further blurs t