Spacetime With Stuart Gary

08: A very bright discovery



Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) *Discovery of one of the brightest distant galaxies ever seen Astronomers have detected one of the brightest galaxies ever seen in the distant universe. The galaxy known as BG1429+1202 was discovered 11.4 billion light years away – which is some four-fifths of the way back to the beginning of the universe -- thanks to a process known as gravitational lensing. *Trying to understand quantum gravity Cosmologists trying to understand how to unite the two pillars of modern science -- quantum physics and gravity -- have found a new way to make robust predictions about the effect of quantum fluctuations on primordial density waves which are ripples in the fabric of space and time. Scientists have found quantum imprints left on cosmological structures in the very early universe and shed light on what we may expect from a full quantum theory of gravity. *Breakthrough project Astronomers are about to begin a new proj