Spacetime With Stuart Gary

12: Pixies, Elves, and Sprites



Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) *Pixies, Elves, and Sprites seen from Space Station Pixies, Elves, Red Sprites, and Blue jets have been seen by the crew aboard the International Space Station. It wasn’t the result of some alcohol fuelled orbital bender but rather preparation for a new mission focusing on these mysterious rarely seen phenomena associated with upper atmosphere electrical discharges. *New questions about Martian Water New evidence about carbon dioxide levels on ancient Mars have raised fresh questions about how liquid water could have existed on the red planet’s surface billions of years ago. An analysis of samples -- taken by NASA’s Curiosity rover -- indicates Mars didn’t contain enough CO2 for liquid water to have existed in Gale Crater – despite clear geological evidence that it was there for long periods of time. *Earth’s oxygen levels increased when the planet became of snowball Oxygen levels on Earth increased dramati