Spacetime With Stuart Gary

19: Black Hole Dark Matter hypothesis disproved



Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) *The Black Hole Dark Matter hypothesis disproved A new study has provided strong evidence disproving the idea that unknown populations of ancient black holes could explain the effects currently attributed to dark matter. The findings imply that the detection of gravitational waves generated by colliding intermediate mass black holes can’t be used to imply the existence of huge populations of primordial black holes early in the history of the universe. *New evidence of a water rich history on Mars New research on Martian meteorites indicates that the red planet may have been a far wetter place than previously thought. The findings provide the first clear evidence that a mineral commonly found in Martian meteorites which was considered proof of an ancient dry environment on Mars -- may have originally been a hydrogen-containing mineral -- that could indicate a far more water-rich history for the Red Planet. *