Spacetime With Stuart Gary

24: The Peter Pan galaxies that seem to never grow old



Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) *The Peter Pan galaxies that seem to never grow old A new survey has doubled the number of Peter Pan galaxies known to exist. The so called Peter Pan galaxies are young, compact radio galaxies which produce powerful jets of radio energy shooting out from their galactic cores like lighthouse beacons. *New portal to unveil the dark sector of the universe Scientists are developing a new portal to unveil a mysterious dark sector of the universe. However, they’re still struggling to detect the hidden particles beyond the standard model – particles that constitute a dark sector of the Universe. *Martian volcanoes were still active when Earth’s dinosaurs went extinct. There’s growing evidence that far from being a cold dead world Mars was still geologically alive until very recently. The new findings indicate volcanoes were still erupting on the red planet‘s surface as recently as 50 million years ago. *China laun