Spacetime With Stuart Gary

28: Three new Fast Radio Bursts discovered - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 20 Episode 28



Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) *Three new Fast Radio Bursts discovered Astronomers have used one of Australia’s almost forgotten radio telescopes to discover three new Fast Radio Bursts -- mysterious nanosecond long flashes of energy which have so far defied any explanation. The team made the discovery using the old Molonglo radio telescope 40 kilometres from Canberra. *Astronomers identify purest, most massive brown dwarf Astronomers have discovered the most massive brown dwarf ever seen. The record breaking object, known as SDSS J0104+1535 has the purest composition of any brown dwarf ever observed. *Event Horizon telescope deployed to study black holes Astronomers have deployed a powerful array of telescopes to undertake the first ever detailed image of the black hole at the centre of our galaxy. The Event Horizon Telescope is an international joint effort to link some of the world’s most powerful radio telescopes to examine Sagittari