Spacetime With Stuart Gary

32: More monster black holes discovered



Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) * More monster black holes discovered The number of monster black holes thought to exist across the universe has just doubled. The findings are based on the discovery of two supermassive black holes in the ultra-compact dwarf remnants of a pair of shredded galaxies. *Astronomers get closer to solving the mystery of pulsars Astronomers are a step closer to uncovering the mystery of how rapidly spinning neutron stars called pulsars generate their powerful energy beams. The findings indicate the beams are far more complex than previously through. *First results from the Breakthrough Listen Initiative looking for intelligent life beyond Earth. The Breakthrough Listen Initiative which is searching the skies for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence has found 11 events which they regard as being significant and worth further investigation. The findings were part of the petabytes of data collected during the firs