Spacetime With Stuart Gary

34: Cassini’s first dive inside Saturn’s rings



Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) * Cassini’s first dive inside Saturn’s rings NASA’s Cassini spacecraft has survived one of its riskiest manoeuvres -- after successfully undertaking its first ever dive through the narrow gap between the planet Saturn and its rings. As well as provide unrivalled close-ups of the rings – the flight through this previously unexplored region could finally help astronomers answer the nagging question of the true age of Saturn’s spectacular rings. *Hints of possible new physics beyond the Standard Model Researchers may have just discovered the first possible hints of new physics -- which could forge the first significant cracks in the Standard model of particle physics -- that forms the foundations of sciences understanding of the universe. The new findings could be an early indicator of an inconsistency which could take science beyond the Standard Model. *Ripples in the Cosmic web Astronomers have made the firs