Spacetime With Stuart Gary

39: The Sun’s violent eruptions may all have the same trigger



Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) * The Sun’s violent eruptions may all have the same trigger A new study claims violent stellar eruptions on the Sun may all be triggered by the same process regardless of their size. The findings contradict previous idea’s that different sized eruptions were caused by different processes. *Exploring the climate of Proxima B Scientists are taking their first tentative steps to study the climate of Proxima B -- the nearest Earth like planet beyond our solar system. Proxima B orbits Proxima Centauri – the closest neighbouring star to the Sun – and the third star in the Alpha Centauri triple star system. *NASA’s cosmic ray balloon mission terminated early A NASA mission involving a giant football-stadium-sized, heavy-lift super pressure balloon -- has been terminated early -- splashing down in the South Pacific Ocean 320 kilometres south of Easter Island. The mission -- which was designed to study mysterious co