Spacetime With Stuart Gary

43: Black Holes prove Einstein right - again



Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) * Black Holes prove Einstein right -- again A new black hole study as once again shown Professor Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity to be correct. The new research confirms that stars being consumed by a black hole really do fall through an event horizon into a singularity -- rather than crashing into some sort of hard object. *NASA’s new mission to touch the Sun The United States is to send a spacecraft into the Sun’s upper atmosphere – the corona. The Parker solar probe spacecraft will – quite literally touch the Sun – travelling to within 5.9 million kilometres of the Sun’s photosphere – its visible surface. *A possible Quark Nova Astronomers are looking at the possibility of a new and very different trigger for a strange type of supernova event called a quark nova. Core collapse or type II Supernova are usually generated by the explosive cataclysmic death of a star. If you're enjoying SpaceT