Spacetime With Stuart Gary

45: New Address For the Milky Way



Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) *New address for the Milky Way The large-scale structure of the universe looks a bit like a giant cosmic web with long filaments and connecting nodes made up of galaxies and galaxy clusters surrounding vast empty voids. Until now astronomers were fairly sure our galaxy -- the Milky Way -- was located on one of the filaments. But now a new study claims we’re actually in a void. *Heavy rains on Mars A new study claims heavy rain on Mars reshaped the red planet’s surface carving out valley’s and river channels billions of years ago. The findings show changes in the Martian atmosphere made it rain harder and harder and form bigger drops. *X-37B space shuttle returns from record setting flight A United States Air Force X-37B space shuttle has returned to Earth following a record breaking two year long mission in orbit. The black and white winged spaceplane was launched way back on May 20th 2015. *The Square Kilo