Spacetime With Stuart Gary

49: Earth In the Supernova Kill Zone



NEW! Help keep Stuart fed and with a roof over his head...just kidding...but you can help SpaceTime by becoming a patron...and we have rewards for you. Become a part of our team... details at our Patreon page... Stream Episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly) * Earth in the supernova Kill Zone A new study claims the kill zone around a supernova could be as great as 50 light years – meaning any star that blew up within 50 light years of Earth could cause a mass extinction event. The study also found some tantalizing hints that even far more distant supernovae may have changed human evolution forever. *Hundreds of new planets discovered Scientists using NASA's planet hunting Kepler space telescope have announced the discovery of hundreds of new exoplanets – planets orbiting stars other than the Sun. The 219 new exoplanetary candidates, brings the total number discovered by Kepler to a staggering 4 thousand an